Whether you are a physician, dentist or another medical professional, this type of insurance will protect the inability to work due to an illness or injury; while allowing you to collect an income from another source. ⚕️
Typically we recommend you purchasing your ‘Own Occupation’ plan while you are young and healthy. By doing so, you can rate lock your plan, be able to buy more coverage as an attending regardless of your risk factors and have no exclusions on your policies.
This video covers:
💭When should you buy your own specialty coverage?
💭Who should you buy your income protection from?
💭What type of contract definition makes sense for your specialty?
General Overview of Own Occupation Contracts https://youtu.be/t_sMiUF9aSM
When should you buy this plan? https://youtu.be/xMUFXEAbRsM
Who should you buy these plans from? https://youtu.be/enRtPYixvH0
Select your Contract Type https://youtu.be/431v00Hyc0s
Residual Disability Riders https://youtu.be/I4rR-baqswY
In this video you will learn:
💭How to collect income while disabled
💭How to obtain a portable plan as you move through practice
💭How to get your rates to renew each year as you age
💭How to protect yourself against future underwriting
💭How to guarantee no offsets if you have other income sources
Please let us know if you have specific questions on these elements and/or would like a review of your current plan.
🕛 To schedule your consultation, please click here: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/schedule-a-meeting
🔔 Subscribe for more here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI5HghYhKie41HbiM7rB8Iw
🚀 Tools and resources we recommend:
⚡️FREE Physician Resources: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/resources-to-download
⚡️FREE Physician’s Guide to Disability Insurance: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/physicians-guide
⚡️How Future Purchase Options Work: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/future-purchase-option
***🔅 Let’s connect at Instagram for more education and business strategies on how to build your personal risk management process
@md_disability & @amberstitt_ ***
👍🏽Recommended Resources for specific specialties:
☑️Resources for Dentists: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/dentists
☑️Resources for Federal Employees: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/federal-employees
☑️Resources for Females: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/females
☑️Resources for Residents and Fellows: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/mds-and-dos-resident-limits
☑️Resources for Optometrists: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/optometrists
☑️ Resources for Podiatrists: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/podiatrists
☑️Resources for Veterinarians: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/veterinarian
☑️Resources for Physicians in the Military: https://www.www.mddisabilityquotes.com/physicians-in-the-military
Thank you so much for stopping by today!
PURE OWN OCCUPATION: The inability to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation, even if gainfully employed in ANY other job; due to a disabling event.
TRANSITIONAL OCCUPATION: If you are unable to work in your specialty due to a disabling event, full benefits are payable to you but if you are working in another job; benefits can be reduced.
OWN SPECIALTY AND NOT ENGAGED: If you are unable to work in your specialty due to a disabling event, full benefits are payable if you are NOT working in another occupation.
OWN SPECIALTY FOR A LIMITED TIME, THEN ANY REASONABLE OCCUPATION: If you are unable to work in your specialty due to a disabling event, full benefits are payable for a limited time period and is usually 24-months.
💡 Videos for frequently asked questions:
WHAT IS OWN SPECIALTY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHVjlSqGLiQ&t=3s
HOW FUTURE PURCHASE OPTIONS WORK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH8mPfdB7Ms&t=29s
DO I NEED COLA? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmgiPQEJxvQ
THE UNDERWRITING PROCESS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa611TSHeu8&t=18s
GROUP VS. PRIVATE INSURANCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7enAnIXXJxg
COMPLIMENTARY FEATURES INCLUDED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k91_NHohecw