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What is your specialty?

Orthopedic Surgeon

Let's have a discussion.

Contact us today.

Treating patients who have suffered traumas and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including fractures, spine injuries, tendon and ligament repair, and joint replacements requires demanding surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Your performance of these procedures required extensive training and education. How would it affect your income if you were no longer able to perform these responsibilities?

We understand your job duties and what can disable you.

What if you developed myasthenia gravis resulting in muscle weakness that worsens with activity or suffered a chemical burn in your eyes due to an accident? You may be unable to perform the unique duties of an orthopedic surgeon. Because of your unique duties this may disable you but might not disable another physician in a different field.

As an Orthopedic Surgeon you understand the need for a specialist. We, too, are specialists in the disability insurance field. We know the best type of Orthopedic Surgeon Disability Insurance Policy to protect you in your specialty and will guide you to the best policy for your unique needs.

Your specialty requires demanding surgical and nonsurgical procedures. We understand your job duties and what can disable you.

What is your specialty?