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Cardiovascular Surgeon

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As a physician who performs major surgeries to treat diseases and disorders of the heart and restore normal function, including coronary revascularization, coronary artery bypass grafts, valve repair and replacement, and transplants it is critical that your disability policy protects you in your medical subspecialty. If you developed a condition that made it impossible to perform these specialized procedures what would happen to your income?

Let’s say you develop idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that makes it problematic or impossible to wear a surgical mask due to breathing difficulty. What if you suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident? You may be unable to perform the unique duties of a cardiothoracic surgeon, although this same illness might not disable a physician with a different specialty.

What you do is very specific. We make sure you are protected in your sub-specialty.

Our experience and knowledge of disability insurance for physicians is unmatched in the industry. We will help you understand the various policy options and features that will protect your income in your specific specialty. What you do is very specific. We make sure you are protected

What is your specialty?