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How Your Physician Disability Insurance Can Also Protect Your Business

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If you were unable to work due to a serious illness or injury, what would happen to your business? Overhead expenses would continue: rent/mortgage, utilities, malpractice insurance, equipment payments, salaries to key employees, etc. How would you pay for these expenses while disabled when revenues have been reduced or stopped?

At the very least, your physician disability insurance coverage should pay for the basic overhead needs to keep your business running, while still providing you some income to offset your loss due to disability.

Without business overhead coverage, you may not have a business to come back to if you were out for a long period of time due to illness or injury.

You can have peace of mind that these overhead expenses will be covered with Business Overhead Disability Insurance coverage. This policy is designed specifically to pay for business overhead expenses to keep your private practice from suffering while you are on disability.

Suggestion: Please ask an representative to provide a quote for this valuable protection. Visit the Get a Quote page to start the process to coverage and peace of mind.

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How Your Physician Disability Insurance Can Also Protect Your Business
