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Female Residents: Unisex Rates are Ending Soon!

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It’s official: Mass Mutual is leaving the unisex rate business for residents effective August 24, 2019.

Blended rates can save approximately $70/month if you are in your 30s and up to $200 a month if you are in your 40s. These discounts can save you over $75,000 through your practice years.

Here are important dates to keep in mind during this transition (see the FAQs for details):

August 9 Last day to submit the previous GIN Form, F6748. New form will be available August 24.

August 24 Gender-specific rates will be live in the illustration system.

October 19 Last date to submit signed applications for cases quoted prior to August 24. A copy of the illustration taken prior to August 24 must accompany the application in order for it to be considered.

You have been informed throughout residency to purchase specialty specific disability insurance coverage and that discounts are available to residents and fellows. However, females face unique issues when it comes to purchasing disability coverage.

Costs are usually higher because, on average, women have more claims than men. Their health history also plays a factor, often with pregnancy and fertility put under the microscope. Unisex rates have shown be able to help with these issues.

What all this means is that any female who is interested in disability insurance as a resident should get with us ASAP before this opportunity disappears!

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Female Residents: Unisex Rates are Ending Soon!
