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Focus on Risk: Don’t be Afraid to Start the Conversation about Extended Care

Today, please join me and my guest: Kelly Augspurger, CLTC®, CSA to learn more about what Extended Care means to you and your family.

As strange as it sounds, it could be a good week to talk with your adult parents and family members to see what plans they have made. How to prepare for that conversation? Check out this podcast episode!

We cover topics such as:

☑️What does Long-Term Care Planning mean?

☑️What is a Long-Term Care Planning Specialist?

☑️Why do Women Need more Care than men?

#LongTermCare #Podcast #Education #Family #FinancialPlanning

There are great Solutions for Extended Care so Have the Conversations! Even with education, it doesn’t mean all things are easy, but life can be easier because your go-to plan has been completed and we are happy to help you!

To learn more about Kelly and her practice, you can contact her at: [email protected] and on her website

She also has a podcast called Steadfast Care Planning and you can listen to her here:

#FocusonRisk #TakeActionToday #TheAmberStittShow #LongTermCare #Podcast #Education #Family #FinancialPlanning

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Focus on Risk: Don’t be Afraid to Start the Conversation about Extended Care



Transcript unvailable at this time.