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Focus on Money: Day 1 of Amber’s 12 Days of Financial Tips

On *Day One* of Amber’s “12 Days” of Christmas, let’s make sure to take inventory of our spending habits!

This isn’t fun by any means but may help you out! You may need to do this on a weekly basis during the holidays, to see what your habits are.

Do you purchase early or last minute? Is there a better way to track your shopping? I use a spreadsheet to itemize between holiday wear/decor (things the family will just want/need for the season) and what is a gift or present for the immediate family.

If you have more liabilities than assets even before you start spending, then you know having an emergency fund and then tackling your debt is a must once this season is over.

If you need a planner that can help you, please let me know. You can use one of my strategic partners to help guide and motivate you! You don’t need to be wealthy before you start your planning.

#TakeActionToday #CreateYourOwnHappiness #GetMoneySmart #FocusonMoney #PathwaystoPeakPerformance

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Focus on Money: Day 1 of Amber’s 12 Days of Financial Tips



Transcript unvailable at this time.