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Focus on Community: What was the Great Resignation? and how does it affect Financial Services?

Lined and I discuss what the Great Resignation was back in 2021 and how is affecting us today in our personal lives and in business.

*Did you know that during this timeframe, approximately 24M Americans left their jobs!?*

What did people do once they left?

-Some retired
-Some changed jobs
-Some are staying home with family
-Some are just not working

So what can we learn from this? I was surprised to learn that the #1 is toxic corporate culture was a bigger issue than wanting more money. I see wanting a better culture, often when working with people during #Gallup #Strenghsfinder that not feeling engaged is a % of people leaving their jobs.

#FocusonTalents #FocusonCommunity #Ameritasleadership #BisonStrong #AmeritasWomenEmpowered

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Focus on Community: What was the Great Resignation? and how does it affect Financial Services?



Transcript unvailable at this time.