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MDS & DOS Resident Limits

June 2021 Graduates can now apply for Starting Practice Limits or Higher by Using Signed Employment Contracts as Proof of Income!
Please get your custom discounted quotes here!

Residents and Fellows should secure their plan while young and healthy. Lock in your rates and your future purchase option rider today!
Book your complimentary consult today!

Physicians needing Specialty Specific Disability have access to multiple discounted Own Occupation Contracts

View the Maximum Monthly Benefits Allowable, Depending on your Training Status

Need to know if your current plan is still competitive? We can help with that!

Please schedule your policy review here.

Other Factors​

We do not recommend waiting to apply for coverage. If you are able to budget a lower amount, under the standard resident/fellow limits, that is still better than leaving yourself exposed without an insurance contract. There are multiple reasons you don’t want to leave yourself exposed without insuring your income from your specific specialty. If you develop a health issue or inconclusive medical history noted in your records, that could prevent you from acquiring a policy or the policy could have an exclusion on it for that medical issue. A few other reasons are that pricing continues to climb until you lock in your contract pricing. Also, you might move to a more expensive state and finally you might miss out on the current discounts that are available depending on your employment status.
If you are within 6 months of training ending and have a signed employment contract for your Attending position or are already an Attending, income can be used to higher limits:

How Discounted Rates Work

You will typically have access to resident or fellow discounts through the end of training and often at least up to 2-6 months post your last day of training. Don’t be fooled by those agents claiming that the discount ends on the last day of training. They are just trying to pressure you into making a decision earlier than required, although we don’t recommend waiting as your health is a key factor in obtaining an approval.

What is your specialty?