If you are a HTPN physician, I have some great news for your disability insurance! You may be eligible to receive deeply discounted disability insurance premiums by utilizing the “Unisex-rated” policy.
Some highlights of a “Unisex – rated” policy: • Each policy provides a true, own occupation/specialty definition of disability. The premiums are all fixed and guaranteed level to age 65, 67, or 70. • This is not a “one size fits all” policy. Rather, each doctor can customize their own disability insurance policy to meet their own unique needs. In other words, literally every one of the doctors can have a different plan. • The discount is permanent, and the policy goes with the doctor if they leave the practice. This puts the doctor in complete control of their disability insurance benefits. • Underwriting concessions are available when you purchase your policy through a larger group, so any doctor with a medical/health concern can still apply and usually receive a favorable underwriting outcome. • We can get benefits as high as $32,000/month, again depending on each doctor’s needs. Every doctor can pick whatever monthly benefit meets their need. • The practice does not need to pay these premiums. Each policy can be paid by each doctor out of their own personal checkbook, so there is very limited involvement or work for the practice manager.
How to qualify: • Three or more HTPN physicians need to “raise their hand” to participate in the disability insurance purchase
Just as HTPN probably uses its size to negotiate better reimbursements from insurance companies as well as lower malpractice premiums, you can use the same “strength in size” mentality to purchase your disability insurance.
Contact us today to learn more about this discount as well as others that may be available to you.